Article about me in the Dutch "Kattenmanieren" cat magazine.
WIN A lifelike work of art, with your own cat that seems to be able to step right off the paper. Would you like to have such a hand-drawn showpiece in your home? Then read on, because we may give away a drawing of artist Eny Orban!
When Eny Orban moved to Belgium from Hungary, she needed a change and some color in her life. She started making watercolors and then she started working with colored pencils. Eny found out that colored pencils are ideally suited for creating the most realistic portraits possible. She became skilled at making lifelike-looking drawings of animals and fell in love with the process, the results and, above all, the reactions of owners of animals she captures. Today, Eny is a professional artist. An important part of her work consists of life-like portraits of pets.
Emotional value Eny says she regularly creates artwork of animals that are no longer around. “A portrait of an animal that has died has a lot of emotional value for the owner. It is very special to see how people are touched by a drawing. I like that my artwork can be a link in processing the grief.” Capturing an animal so accurately takes a lot of time. An A5-sized drawing contains about twenty hours of work. Eny: “The larger the artwork, the more time goes into it. For example, if people want multiple animals on a drawing, or if they would like the background to be captured in detail, more time goes into it.”
Not just the outside Eny creates her artwork from a photograph, or if possible from multiple photographs. The better those photos are, the better she can draw the animal. Eny: “The animal has to be in a big enough picture, in a good pose, at a time when he felt comfortable. The lighting has to be good so that the color of the animal comes across well. It is also very important that the eyes are clearly visible, that they are clear in the picture. The look of an animal tells a lot about its inner self. It's not just the outside, but a good drawing also illustrates a piece of the character of an animal. That's what I like to capture.”
What can you win? A hand-drawn artwork, A4 size, in color, of your own cat, created by Eny Orban. She will make the drawing based on a photo you submit. It will be a portrait of one cat and Eny will draw the background as she sees fit.
How can you win? Send us the photo you would like to have drawn. Eny will select the photo from which she will make the artwork. You can send the photo to, stating 'Win action artwork Eny Orban'. You may send in one photo per e-mail address for this competition. Don't forget to mention your address and phone number. When you send in your picture you automatically give us permission to share the picture and the artwork that might be made later, on our social media and in Kattenmanieren. You can submit your photo until October 31, 2024.
The winners
Moos & Valor